Constitution and By Laws

CONSTITUITION 12th March 2009
1)    Name
a)    The name of the association shall be “Cooma Basketball Association Inc”
b)    Here after in the Constitution this name will be shown as C.B.A.

2)    Object
a)    To encourage promote and control Basketball in the Cooma area under the rules of Basketball N.S.W
b)    To become and remain affiliated with Basketball N.S.W
c)    To organise and control competitive matches for both males and females and to ensure that all such matches are played according to the laws of the game adopted by the Basketball N.S.W with such alterations and/or additions as from time to time may be adopted by the C.B.A.
d)    To organise and conduct any tournaments and clinics which the General Committee may decide should be conducted in the C.B.A. area

3)    Members
Membership shall be open to all male and female seniors, juniors and MiniBallers, who are defined as players by the Basketball N.S.W. The numbers of such members shall be unlimited

a)    The Officers of the C.B.A shall be
1.    President
2.    Vice President
3.    Secretary
4.    Treasurer
5.    Women’s Co-ordinator (s)
6.    Men’s Co-ordinator (s)
7.    Junior Co-ordinator (s)
8.    Mini Ball/AussieHoop Co-ordinator (s)
9.    Director of Referees
10. Director of Coaches
11. Registrar
12. Public Officer
13. Life Members
14. Publicity Officer
15. General Committee Members
b) The officers shown in (a) above shall constitute the General Committee and hereafter in this Constitution shall be referred to as such

5) Election of Officers
a)  The General Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the C.B.A. Any vacancies occurring between the AGM’s shall be filled by members elected by The General Committee

6) Management
a) The management of the C.B.A. shall be vested in the General Committee.
b) Emergency decisions, provided that they do not involve a matter of Policy may be made by a vote of the Executive of the C.B.A. and shall be ratified by the next meeting of the General Committee
c)  The Executive of the C.B.A. shall be deemed to consist of
1. The President
2. The Vice President
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Co-ordinators

7) General Committee
    a) Powers of
1.    To act in the name of the C.B.A. and to do all such acts and things as it considers necessary in the interest of the C.B.A. provided such are not inconsistent with the constitution
2.    To make alter and repeal the competition rules of the C.B.A. as may be found desirable
3.    To elect members to fill vacancies on the General Committee which occur between Annual General Meetings
4.    To suspend or otherwise deal with any player or team on the grounds of misconduct or breach of any competition rules of the C.B.A. No team or member of a team can be suspended or otherwise dealt with except on the vote equal to two-thirds of those present and entitled to vote. Any such team or member of a team who was suspended or otherwise dealt with shall have the right of appeal to a Special General Meeting of the C.B.A. called for that purpose in accordance with section 9 of this constitution
5.    To appoint special sub-committees for any purpose it thinks desirable in connection with C.B.A. activities

b)  Rules relating to
1.    The General Committee shall meet whenever requested to by the Secretary
2.    Any member absenting himself from three consecutive meetings shall unless he tenders a satisfactory prior apology to the Secretary be deemed to have vacated their office
3.    Five members present shall form a quorum of any meeting of the General Committee
4.    At all meetings a resolution put to a vote shall be determined by a show of hands unless a secret ballot be requested by any member
5.    All members or the General Committee except the Life members shall be either financial or honorary members of the C.B.A

8) Annual General Meeting
a)  The Annual General Meeting shall be held by the 31st of March each year to receive the
1.    Presidents Report
2.    Secretary’s Report
3.    Treasurers Report
4.    Co-ordinators Report
5.    Director of Referees Report
6.    Director of Coaches Report
7.    Elect the General Committee
8.    Elect Life Members
9.    Fix registration fees for the year
10. Fix game fees for the year
11. Transact any other business placed on the Agenda by the Secretary

9) Special General Meeting
a)  Special General meetings shall be held whenever the General Committee directs or whenever the Secretary receives a written request by at least seven
 members of the C.B.A. stating the objective for the requesting such a meeting

10) Notice of Meetings
a)  The notice convening any Annual General or Special General Meeting shall state the general nature of the business to be transacted and shall be placed on the C.B.A. notice board announced in the press and on local radio at least seven days before the date fixed for such meeting

11) Quorums
a)  At any Annual General Meeting of the C.B.A (12) members shall constitute a quorum. In the event of no quorum being present such meeting shall be adjourned for exactly one week and if at such adjourned meeting there is still no quorum those members present shall be the quorum and may transact the business for which the meeting was called

12) Voting
a)  All financial, Life and Honorary members shall be entitled to one vote on each resolution put at a meeting of the C.B.A. The Chairman shall have a casting vote as well a deliberate vote
b)  All voting shall be by show of hands except that if any member so requests a secret ballot shall be conducted

13) Duties of Officers
     a) President
1.    To act as Chairman of all Annual General Special General and General Committee meetings and to ensure that all such meetings are conducted to the normal rules for procedure at meetings
2.    To supervise in general manner the duties of all officials of the C.B.A
3.    To be a member ex-efficio of all sub-committees of the C.B.A.
     b) Vice President
1.    To assist the President in all their duties and to act as chairman of all Annual General Special General and General Committee meetings at which the President cannot attend
     c) Secretary
1.    To perform the clerical work of the C.B.A. and to carry out the directions given at all meetings of the C.B.A.
2.    To convene and prepare an agenda for all Annual General Special General and General Committee meetings and keep the minutes of such meetings
3.    Maintain a register of the names and addresses of all members of the General Committee
4.    To be a member ex-efficio of all sub-committees of the C.B.A.
     d) Treasurer
1.    To receive and issue receipts for all revenue of the C.B.A.
2.    To deposit all money received in the account of the C.B.A. with Service One Credit Union
3.    To submit all accounts to the General Committee for approval to pay and then to pay all such approved accounts. Payments made by cheque must be crossed not negotiable and signed by the Treasurer and either the President or Secretary
4.    To close the books on the 31st of December each year and prepare a statement of Accounts for presentation to the Annual General Meeting
5.    To submit a report of the financial position as at that date to each meeting of the General Committee
6.    Keep a record of all registered members
     e) Co-ordinators
1.    To conduct all competitions in accordance with the rules of Basketball N.S.W and the local rules of the C.B.A.
2.    To ensure that all players are registered in accordance with Basketball N.S.W and the Cooma-Monaro Shire Council
3.    To collect all game fees and player registrations
4.    Responsible to ensure that Monies are receipted and banked within two weeks of being received
5.    To maintain a record of registered players and forward all Registration forms to the Registrar
6.    To record the results of all games and place on the notice board a table of positions for each competition
     f) Director of Referees
1.     Organise referees for all local and representative fixtures and organise referees clinics
    g) Director of Coaches
1.    Be responsible for organising coaches for local and representative fixture
2.    Conduct two coaching clinics a year for all Junior and MiniBall player
    h) Registrar
1.    To receive all registration forms and forward all information to Basketball N.S.W
2.    To keep a list of all registered players
     i)  Life and Honorary members
1.    Life Members of the C.B.A may be elected at the Annual General Meeting by the vote of those members present at the meeting. Generally conferring of life membership will be limited to ex-members of the executive of the C.B.A. and other persons who have given valuable assistance to the C.B.A.
2.    All non-players elected to the General Committee shall automatically become honorary members of the C.B.A.

14) Clearances
a)  An application from a member of the C.B.A. for a clearance as required by Basketball N.S.W. to another association shall be automatically approved at any time provided such member is fully financial with the C.B.A.. An application for a clearance from a member who is unfinancial shall be refused until the member settles all debts to the C.B.A
b)  Any player transferring from another association must before they are eligible to play in an official match arranged by the C.B.A produce a clearance from their previous association

15) Competition Rules
a)  The General Committee shall be responsible for preparing and enforcing the competition rules of the C.B.A Such rules shall always be in conformity with the laws of the game adopted by Basketball N.S.W
b)  The Secretary at the start of every season shall give a copy of the rules to every team captain and to every General Committee member and ensure that a copy is always on the C.B.A. notice board
c)  Any new altered or repealed rule must be promptly made known to all Members by the Secretary

16) Registration Fees
a)  The annual registration fee for members of the C.B.A. shall be determined at the Annual General or Special General meeting
b)  Registration fees must be paid before a member is eligible to play in any official match arranged by the C.B.A.
c)  Special concessions may be determined for Juniors and MiniBallers

17) Match Fees
a)  The match fees shall be determined at the Annual General or Special General meeting of the C.B.A
b)  Special concession rates may be determined for Juniors and MiniBallers

18) The Constitution
a)  This constitution shall not be altered in any way except at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting convened for that purpose in accordance with section 10 of this constitution
b)  The Secretary shall ensure that a copy of this constitution is always on the C.B.A. notice board and that all members of the General Committee has a copy

19) Dissolution
a)  The C.B.A shall not be dissolved or its name changed except by a vote of those present and entitled to vote at a Special General Meeting convened for that purpose
b)  In the event of a dissolution all C.B.A assets be held in trust for a period of (2) years. After this period it shall be evenly distributed amongst the Cooma schools for the purpose of promotion of basketball




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